Friday, August 13, 2010

4 Functions Of Teviron Negative Ions Cloth

      Teviron Negative Ions Cloths contain 4 major function.
1. Warmth- Excellent heat insulation
     Teviron's heat insulation property is a superior to all other fibers. Teviron undergarments were chosen by the famous Japanese Mountaineer Team to the Himalayas and also by a groups of Japanese challengers to the Arctic Circle. if you use undergarments and bedding that have insufficient heat insulation you will feel icy cold, causing blood vessels to constrict, restricting the nutrients and oxygen sent out to the cells.

2.Comfort- Superior Water Permeability
    With superior water permeability , moisture is whisked away from the skin and rapidly evaporated, leaving you feeling dry and comfortable. On the other hand, clothing that that absorbs moisture will dry slowly, leaving your skin feeling wet, sticky and cold. This will make you feel icy cold, causing blood vessels to constrict, restricting the nutrients and oxygen sent out to the cells.

3. Health- Amazing Negative Ions
     Negative Ions have four amazing effects;
   1.Purifies the blood, regulating its PH balance and stimulates circulation.
   2. Enhances the body's immune system,so you do not get sick or catch cold easily.
   3.Rejuvenates the cells, stimulates cell metabolism.
   4.Regulates autonomic nerves, enhancing your health.
 Negative Ions help you maintain a healthy level of calcium in the blood serum,which is 4 miligrams of calcium per 100cc of blood serum

    1.Japan Fire Retardent Association (JFRA) recognizes Teviron as a fire retardant product. It does not catch fire easily and produces a distinctive odor when burnt,which will help users to detect any unusual conditions right away.
   2.Teviron products are healthy garments worn outside of the body,and there is no need to worry about the side effects. Wearing Teviron negative ion cloths will enhance your body condition and health safety.


Negative Ions are Effective in Treating Cancer

    In 1950, Dr. Haskell applied negative ions to patients of hypertension. Amazingly, negative ions were proven to have a significant effect in lowering one's blood pressure, while no beneficial effects were observed with positive ions. Negative Ion are also effective against influenza, asthma and especially bronchial diseases.
   Another study done by the University of Frankfurt involved a "Cancer Team" led by Dr. Kusturica that further studied the physical effects of negative ions on cancer cells.Different types of cancer cells were transfused into the bodies of rats. In order to have a base of comparison, one groups of rats were put into a negative environment each day while the other group remained untouched.
  As a result, the rats in the negative ion environment lived, on average for 59 days, while the rats that were untouched lived no longer than 34 days.The rats from the experimental team live 25 days longer; some even lived as long as 80 days! The experiment's results confirm the effectiveness of negative ions in treating cancer.
  Another research team conduct a similar experiment. Cancer cells were transfused into small mice. The research team then compared the mice in a negative ion environment to ones the did not have negatives ions in order to examine the proliferation of the cancer cells.
 Consequently, the cancer cells  inside the bodies of those mice that were not in a negative ion environment increased 58 mg per day, while the cancer cells inside the bodies of those with negative ions increased less than 27 mg. It was even more amazing to find out that in about 1 third of these rats, the cancer cells decreased significantly and eventually disappeared completely!